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Are you a Bereaved Military Child or Young Person?

If you are a child or young person who has experienced the death of a parent who served in the British Armed Forces, you could receive specialist bereavement support from Scotty's Little Soldiers. Becoming a Scotty Member means joining a military community and getting access to support for those whose parent served as military personnel or was a veteran.

Click for our Membership Form (0-18)

Click for our Springboarder Membership Form (18-25)

Little boy with brown jacket and back to camera holding brown teddy. Bereaved military child

Scotty’s are sorry to hear your parent has died. We know it can be hard to reach out and ask for help, so thank you for visiting this page. Watch the video below from charity founder, Nikki, to find out what to do if you need support. Please get in contact if you have any questions.

Group of bereaved military children and young people with arms around each other in park

“It’s hard to put into words what Scotty’s means to me. It’s so special to have them in my life, without them I’d feel very alone.”

– Springboarder, aged 19 

A Message For Bereaved Military Children & Young People

“Scotty’s is my military connection. It reminds me of my dad. Everyone at Scotty’s has gone through the same thing and understands what you’re going through. When you’re with other people from Scotty’s you don’t need to pretend or worry if you do want to talk about your mum or dad, or even if you don’t want to talk about them. Everyone just gets it.”
– Scotty Member

Who Can Scotty’s Help?  

Any child or young person aged 0-25 bereaved of a parent who has served in the British Armed Forces can potentially join Scotty’s Little Soldiers. 

The parent could have served in any of the services, Army, RAF, Navy, Royal Marines, Regular or Reserve and the cause of death is irrelevant.  

We do have a Membership Criteria, but we try and support as many bereaved military children and young people as possible so if you are unsure please just get in touch.  

Scotty's Little Soldiers child and young person support worker with two bereaved military children on bridge in a park

“Going back to school after dad died was particularly difficult, as a lot of my friends didn’t understand what I was going through, which was really hard. It got a lot easier when I joined Scotty’s as I felt supported. I was able to talk to other children who were just like me and were going through exactly what I was going through.”
– Springboarder, aged 18 

Bereaved military children sit in a circle on the grass. Scotty Members comfort each other. Military community

How Does Scotty’s Help? 

At Scotty’s, we know that there isn’t a simple quick fix to childhood bereavement and that bereavement effects young people in different ways and at different stages throughout their lives.  This is why Scotty’s really focus on building a community, a military community.  We engage regularly to make sure our families always know that we are here if they need us, that they are not alone and most importantly that they have not been forgotten. 

Scotty Members group with Scotty's Child & Young Person Support Worker at the Christmas Party. Support for bereaved military children

“Scotty’s has helped me in so many ways. There were times after my dad died, and as I’ve grown up, that I felt so low, but Scotty’s were always there and helped pick me back up again.”
– Springboarder, aged 18 

Blonde teenage Scotty Member at the Christmas Party. Support for bereaved British Forces children

Our Family Programmes:

The SMILES Programme is all about fun and engagement and includes activities, gifts and group events, which will hopefully not only put a smile on your face but also remind you that you are not alone and haven’t been forgotten. 

The SUPPORT Programme can support you with the more emotional side of bereavement.  We can offer you online 1:1 sessions, provide you with some guidance on how to cope at those extra tough times, share resources and activities that may help you and introduce you to others who understand what you are going through. 

Scotty Member at the Christmas Party holding up a 10/10 sign. Support for bereaved British Forces children

The STRIDES Programme focuses on your education and development journey.  This means we encourage you to have a positive attitude to learning and provide you with opportunities to develop your life skills.  It also includes a range of small grants, such as our Driving School grant which helps pay towards your driving lessons. 

For more details and information on the services Scotty’s can provide please read How We Help.

Teenage Scotty members in red t-shirts at Christmas Party on the Thames in London. Bereaved Military Young People

“Scotty’s helps me feel like I’m not alone. I’ve made so many good friends who have experienced something similar, and just being able to talk to them, knowing they understand exactly what I’m going through, is so comforting.”
– Springboarder, aged 20. 

Springboarders and bereaved military children supporting each other with arms around each other in park

Contact Us:  

If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone from the Families team, please contact us: 

Email: [email protected] 

Free Phone: 0800 092 8571 (option 1) 

Text/What’s App: 07741 162132 

Scotty’s is open Monday – Friday 9am-5pm, but we will try to get back to your message within 48 hours. 

Get in touch with Scotty's Little Soldiers
You can also find us at
Scotty’s Little Soldiers,
PO Box 1273,
King's Lynn DO,
PE30 9HD
0800 092 8571
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